
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Progress is being made!

Thanks in part to the winter weather that just about shut down parts of Indiana, I was able to get a LOT of knitting and crocheting done last week.  I'm now down to exactly 2 weeks when everything has to be finished so it can be installed for the Meet the Artists Art Exhibit which opens January 29th at Central Library.  And NO, I haven't waited until the last minute to get things finished.  I'm sure other 'artists' can relate, I've changed my mind, had new visions and ideas.  I was originally planning to include book marks but couldn't get excited about doing them.  I have decided to make men's hats and bowls instead.  Some of my items will be in a display case which has 3 shelves.  I want each shelf to tell a different story and I want to include things that will appeal to different people.

Shelf 1- crocheted earrings
Shelf 2 - bowls and hats
Shelf 3- knitted and crocheted puppets, stuffed animals and dolls

I want to show the range of my knit and crochet skills with an African theme.  And who knows, I may still include a bookmark or two :)

I learned from a previous project to stand back and look at my items in a different light so as I'm finishing these things, I have them sitting on top of my entertainment center.  I find it amazing that what I had envisioned in my head is now going to be seen by others!

I'm also making the coverings or mats for each shelf of the display case.  So far I've knitted a zebra print, crocheted one that resembles grass and am still trying to narrow down what the third will be.  I'm leaning towards a loom woven one.  Below are a few new pictures.

Back to knitting and crocheting for me!

Knitted elephant and lion puppets
Crocheted giraffe
Crocheted hippo

Crocheted boy and girl dolls

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