
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Three hats and a cowl!

This hat is for my nephew in TN

This hat is for my son in OH

This hat is for my great nephew in KY

This cowl is for me!

These are the things that I made this week.  I've been very productive with my knitting and crocheting lately.  I'm not sure if it's because I've been making smaller things or because I have so many projects that I want to finish.   Setting deadlines for myself helps too.  The hats were all going out of state so I needed to finish them in time for my "messengers" to deliver them for me. 
This week I'm working to complete project samples for my crochet class on Thursday.  Then I plan to make slippers for some family member.  I love making things for my family!  Their heartfelt thanks and seeing them enjoy the fruits of my labor make it all worthwhile.  Thank you guys for being so receptive and letting me make things for you!
Speaking of classes... This week I'll be at the Haughville Library joined by others who knit and or crochet.  We gather to share what we're working on and to enjoy the company of others who like working with yarn.  Thursday I have a crochet class at the Avon Michaels.  The difference between the two is the gatherings at the libraries are free and open to the public.  Both beginners and experienced knitters/crocheters gather and if anyone has questions, I'm available to assist.  The classes at Micheals have a fee.  For those I provide patterns, handouts and basically private lessons.  Click on the calendar to see my upcoming schedule. Either location, I'm able to share my love and knowledge of knitting and crocheting!

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