
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ch Ch Ch Changes...

Time to make a change!

I am making a change to my Avon Michaels knit & crochet class schedule.

The Monday evening classes will now be held on Wednesday evenings. That means I will offer  the same class TWICE on Wednesdays.

For more details click on the calendar to the right.

* Sunday - special project classes (2-4:30)
   Wednesday - beginner knit & crochet classes (2-4:30 & 6-8:30)
   Saturday - kids weaving & crochet classes (2-3:30)
   3rd Saturday of each month - Yarn Night (4-6:00)

I've entered a picture into a photo contest
Crocheted Purple Rose
 If you'd like to vote for any of the other entries, 
click on the link below. 

Now, back to working on my pieces for the upcoming 
FlavaFresh! 12 Art Show :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Life Happens!

Sooooo, I'm not going to finish my CYC Certification by the end of the month so I'll ask for (another) extension.

It's not that it's hard, it's just a matter of me sitting still long enough to get it all done.  Along the way, other more exciting projects keep coming up.

I crocheted this adorable puppy to donate to an online auction.

My grandchildren LOVE this!
I also needed to finish the first of 3 new pieces for the upcoming FlavaFresh 12 Art Exhibition Series.  The first two will be installed at the ArtsGarden on Tuesday, June 30th.  I need to finish the 1st one, mount them and then have them wired.  I have names for them all and will reveal them once the mounting is completed.

Piece #2 finished

Piece #3 finished
I also managed to finish de-cluttering my bedroom.  I had receipts and bank statements from 20 years ago!  I also cleaned windows, screens and curtains for the whole house.

This is one of the hidden treasures I found.  It was a drawing I'd done as I was considering having an Untangled Stitcher logo made.
The original plan was to have someone else do the graphic but 6 potential people later, I just did my own thing.


Time to get back to crocheting!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I've got good news and bad news...

The bad news first. The "new thing" I was supposed to start on the 11th of June has been postponed until August.  If you know me then you know that I don't do anything half-way.  From planning to implementing, I give everything 100% +.  And it doesn't matter if I'm volunteering or being paid.  So when this latest venture had to be put on hold (not by me) I felt a little down.  I learned some things that I will put into place when planning future ventures.

The GOOD news... I have decided which projects to create for the 2015-2016 Flava Fresh! 12 Exhibition Series.  Last year I created variations of Granny Squares.  This year I'm going to create a variety of circles.  I will create 6-8 completely new pieces.  I will post pictures of the progress along with information where you can see the Flava Fresh! 12 Exhibition.

June 8 progress -
 I shouldn't take pics in the very early morning hours :)

June 10 progress
I'm starting with doilies. The original plan was to do 2 but this is the most intricate time consuming thing I think I've ever crocheted.  I wanted them both to be 19 inches in diameter.  I might make some changes for the 2nd one.  We'll see.
I also plan to crochet some Mandalas and a 3D circular flower.

And no, I haven't finished my CYC Certification samples.  I've been spending a lot of time trying to finish my de-cluttering.  I am sooooo happy with the results.  Yesterday I worked on my pantry.  I hadn't changed the shelf paper since we built our home, 21 years ago!  But it looks good now and there were some embarrassingly old food items that had to be thrown away. Next up is my room.  I've gone through clothes, CDs, DVDs and books so only small things remain.  It's all worked out in my head (where ALL of my creative ideas start) and I plan to get to it on Saturday.

After I get more ahead on my art show creations, I'll work on my shed.  I don't think I have much in it that I want to save.  I'm looking forward to tearing it down once it's empty.  I'll definitely post pics of that!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I've had a few distractions...

This picture was taken last Saturday at the Eagle Library 45th Anniversary Celebration.  This was the first of the crowd as I was still setting up.
The taller of the young ladies made 2 finger crocheted necklaces and helped with some of the younger ones. 

My 3 year old grandson saw a picture of a water bottle holder and asked for one which meant I made all 4 of them one.
Personalized with their first initial

My tester and model for the day
And since I was in a personalization mood, I went ahead and made my mother's birthday gift early.  A crocheted tablet cover.

I did buy the 3 tools that I needed to finish my crochet technique samples for Level II of my certification so I hope to not allow myself to be distracted long enough to get them finished.

Hairpin lace tool, cro-hook (also called double ended tunisian crochet hook)
size 50 knitting needles for broomstick crochet